Monday, December 21, 2009

My vote for Creepy Email of the Year

I thought you'd be fascinated in what medically/spiritually happened to me.

   I had the size of an orange week to live menengioma on the right side front removed in 2000 and 4 years later during energy therapies that operation awakened me to the other sides. The most dramatic, but not most important to the universe, is that I can predict the energy of lottery numbers from anywhere in the world. Locate any State or Country and I will predict and I send you the pre-result of that day's lottery numbers exact and range. You really have to see my results to appreciate them. I've been doing this for almost five years and I have the documentation. I've always wanted a mathematician to work with on my world and universe lottery prediction ability, but that ability is only my credentials as to who I am in the universe.
The psychic I work with and I have a consistent phone date with an Astrophysicist and his astronomy students and other academics.

   The universe  arranged me to work with a full spectrum born psychic (she has died and went through the light 7 times) (she's alive now) (she was in the remote viewing program too but was to good, she went where she wasn't supposed to go because she does it naturally) and I have entities that audibly speak through me to her and anyone else. We get spirits who carry a disappointment and get stuck on this side of the White Light (now she sees the light in colors) and need her assistance to get through.
   We've just added extraterrestrial/inter dimensional entity that speaks through me and you can speak to them any time you'd like, if they appear for you. I can receive most realms to speak through me now. I have no idea of who's next, but it's still counting. We've had spirits jump in just to try out my communications link.

   In September, we started having phone meetings consistently with an Astrophysicist from a major NE institution and some of his astronomy students. They speak to the entities through me and have learned what's in the universe by first hand accounts because these entities travel even out to other universes. They were speaking with an Angel and the next week on  the inter dimensional beings  about the origin of the universe and got answers and ideas that satisfied their level of knowledge. They were just speaking  about the spinning bags of gas and how they formed the substance of the universe. They have a much different take on String Theory. One of them likes to travel to other universes and describes what she sees and experiences.
   This awakening journey we're on is following its predestined path, which is unknown to us until the next level manifests.
   My main entities are next generation Ascended Masters called Beings of Light. You can speak to them or other realms with us most any day. As they call me, I am a Being Of Light Shaman. My brain was rewired during the brain operation to think like them. I am a Being Of Light in human form.
I have many other amazing psychic abilities of my own kind because I am not a "psychic".
There is so much more to tell about my metaphysical abilities and growing journey. I can get past and future life details, at will, for anyone.

   The entities that speak through me have a lot of answers for you. The Beings of Light want to share all the secrets of the Universes with us. They are kind of the Board of Directors of the Universe and yes they do have the dual nature of light.
(I couldn't make this stuff up)

   You have 5 Angels that work with you. (I'm allowed to know who's were) As well as other realm entities as needed or if they want to. You can speak to other realms through me. I guarantee it, but it's up to them, I do not invoke them. You will hear my voice change (to male or female) and other personalities from the other sides speak to you and speak to spirits as they go through the light. They'll be there, they love to show off.
    You might get to speak to one of your Angels through me on the phone and we've had Jesus speak through me. You really should get us both on the phone and see for yourself and ask the entities any questions you've always wanted to ask about the cosmos'. You can also speak to spirits who have not gone through the light but are just about to because of us. I do not like to hold the up from their passing through the light, but you can get a brief response before they're gone to the other side.
My neurologists accept all of this. They do not know what to do with me, but they accept my abilities.

   My growth  experience seems to be almost to fruition of when we will know the purpose of why this was arranged. If I wasn't into scifi I don't think I'd have been able to understand from an earthly perspective what was going on. There must be lots of people on "Prozac" that something like this happened to.

From the inception of this becoming reality for me Chakras and crystals and all their influences have played a major role.

It's complicated and there's more! Of Course.

Need Help

Well it goes like this i have many ideas and i know they will grow as i learn with time. But i know what i am after and my goals i just need a little help if someone will take the time to talk to me i will explane.

I also have ideas on events that are going on now but who to tell and who will listen

I am running out of time and options i really need someone to tell and maby sell my ideas to

Monday, December 14, 2009

It is about A Science Conspiracy

There are so many conspiracy theories going around, floating like a bad smelling odour in the room, but most of those has no more factual substance or evidential backing by truthful facts than a James Bond novel has. I also have a science conspiracy theory but mine has all the proof and all the substance of authenticity that any argument can ever hold. It involves physics as physics are taught at institutions worldwide.  If you now don't believe me, read on and learn the truth yourself, it is free of charge.
Mine is the most unbelievable one that has most truth. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A1+ bedder? bali? seattle? doc disco provider traductor transport amigo

how can i be your second chance?

ball never harm
i send every book, DVD, Map; Ticket
necessary vaccine to your family member who needs

look here, sms +149

can you tell the sun in her jelous sky?

then i can walk with you to the field which you will need

your parent
or children
do not have the means
discovery in seattle

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baruch Hashem

"The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power.

This truth is found within the Hebrew word for "letter," which means "pulse" or "vibration," indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this pentrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses distructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts.

All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequethed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos."

Zohar Trumah

scan in here to re-connect you to (y)our Greater Mind, the Mind of (y)our God Shabbat Bo this week

Friday, January 23, 2009

brain readout technique

Hi everybody. With interest I read scientific articles on novel brain readout techniques (like doi:10.1038/nature06713), which I wanted you to tell me your opinion about it.

An artifical neural net (multilayer preceptron) could be used as visual encoder to reconstruct the images seen or imagined by an individual from its brain currents (electro-encephalography) or from its biomagnetic fields, alternatively.

Thereby, the images seen or imagined by an volunteer could be reconstructed to a good extent (1 to 5 images per second, black/white, but denoted as "almost youtube-quality").

Another part of the work was the recording of the brain activity of dying persons. More than one hundred volunteers of an elderly hospital were examined in advance and questionnaired for their religious beliefs also. When they were up to die, their brain activity was recorded and the concerning images were reconstructed, finding characteristic sequences, like that reported by near-death-experiencers. There was almost always a tunnel experience, followed by some kind of judgement tribunal chaired by an old man, some kind of life film and afterwards a sequence showing a paradiese garden, or alternatively hellfire, or a "black hole" before brain flatline. Interestingly, hellfire and black hole sequences seemed to be significantly increased for atheist volunteers, whereas the paradiese garden sequences were found more frequently for persons with strong religious believes.

This technique could also be used as lie detector, or at the airport, as detector against terrorism, the inventors of this technique believe.